HyperDimSergalV2 said this to magnitudemuffin to make him/her look like an idiot.
HyperDimSergalV2 said "fucking-furries-flew-in-from-france-fighting-freaky-fat-fuckheads" to make magnitudemuffin look like an idiot.
by Psuedonymous Bosch September 19, 2015
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Used when someone sees something attractive online so they switch their phone to their non dominant hand so they can use their dominant hand to masturbate. Used mostly in comment sections
*miguel o hara edit plays*

commenter: The way my phone flew to my left/right hand
by jabberwokey October 12, 2023
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When one lays a brown egg in their pantaloons having basked in the pleasing pressure of an impending bowel movement too long.
Stephen is known to wear three pairs of undergarments because Icarus flew too high while he was grunting and groaning at work.
by THE ACTUAL CLEOPATRA October 26, 2011
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A phrase for when something is cute or wholesome, similar to the positive definition of 'That hit me in my feels.' Intended to show that something is so cute or wholesome that it's had a stronger effect on you than simply going 'aww, cute' and moving on.

Variations include 'My uwus have flown', 'My uwus, they flew!', and other phrases like that-as long as the uwus are gone, the meaning remains.
Bunny: Look at these sting ray pups! They're smiling!
Alice: My uwus flew!
by It_Goes_Snicker_Snack December 6, 2020
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Reference to the sacred love making of Cleopatra and the prince of Persia when they had a ceremonious sexual bonfire in which the Pegasus was born and learnt how to fly. Commonly used by the Gyllenhaal family when they are wondering why their youngest son Jake is tardy.
Mom... where's Jake?!?
well Maggie- remember he had improv class today?!
ugh... well fuck me and the horse I flew in on.
*in unison* that's are Jakey!!!
by thin dick little May 2, 2019
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