An urban faker is someone who makes up words or phrases just to define them on the Urban Dictionary.
The phrase urban faker can also be used to refer to any words or phrase that is made up to be defined on the urban dictionary.
Yes, I know that this definition is ironic because the phrase "urban faker" is an urban faker, but what're you going to do about it?

Look at that loser over there. He's defined over 13 words, and I don't know a single one. He's an urban faker for sure.
by Lumby_Jack September 19, 2017
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A straight male that pretends to be gay across the board because that's the only way he can get females outside of his straight self
Christian is such a pathetic gay faker for getting massages from females in the hopes of feeling a females touch by acting gay
by Lowkey33 November 21, 2019
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A person who dresses and acts like a whore but is too ugly to infact have any sex
by Kittennnnnnn June 28, 2016
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A man posing as a woman without the knowledge of even their closest friends.
"Guy's I've got something to tell you. I'm a taco faker"
by Mcmolty March 13, 2009
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A posting on facebook stating that your account has been hacked and by whom, when in actuality you yourself has posted this in order to explain why you did or said something idiotic that too many people have seen to take back or lie your way out of.
duder 1: (Attached link of bon jovi death) I recieved this from my local news station.

duder 2: Wow thats sad. I miss that fag.

(After 300 responses of sadness and gay jokes)

duder 2: You fucking liar. This is bullshit!

(duder 1 feels stupid - decides to be hack faker)

duder 1: Hacked
Love ya mom.

duder 2: Hacked my ass, you keep fucking lying.

duder 1: Wasn't me, that was my mom, I blocked her from my page, bitch is crazy.
by Umyslowly December 22, 2011
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1) Any Christian you meet anywhere

2) Anyone that goes to a church building (regardless of denomination) and have sing-a-longs about how good everything is and then sit through a lecture of the same kind.

3) Anyone who bases everything that they do or don't do, from the book called the Bible (which is the equivalent to the Koran for the Islamic religion, or the Book of Mormon to the Mormons). Also, if they talk to someone who DOESN'T know or believe what THEY believe, that someone is a lost soul.

4) The person who talks to you about how their belief is the right way and everyone should believe the same way or else it is said that one will go to hell (a place that is described as a place of eternal torture and pain).
Christian Faker: This morning in church, the pastor read this real awesome passage from 1 Thessalonians that read...

Friend: You know, I came here to hangout, not be preached at, ok?

Christian Faker: But I really want you to hear this; it so spoke to me...but alright.
by Dave The Symphony April 27, 2011
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1) This phrase is another way of saying mother fucker.

2) Saying someone is a fake mother.

3) Another way of saying someone is faking somthing.
1)Oh you mother faker.

2)Shit you aint my mom you mother faker!

3)Son you a little mother faker.
by JRR [Slick] December 20, 2008
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