A homeless man or woman who has urinated themselves in cold weather, thereby creating a steam effect from thier pants.
"Man it's cold. Hey Steve, look at that bum over there. He's a Steamer!!!
by Vic the Dick July 26, 2006
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One that frequently collects IDs for Valve's Steam service, so that he/she may find more like minded gamers.
That guy has so many Steam friends. He's such a steamer.
by neat#2 August 20, 2011
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Steamer is another word for a fag or a cigarette in ireland.

You can also call gay men or fags, steamers.

This comes from galway originally like most irish slang does
Here sham give two's on that steamer.
Subla any steamers?
Ah here boys, watch them two dirty sick steamers there
That fella is a proper steamer
by WESTOFIRELAND32 September 28, 2020
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A homeless man or woman who has urinated themselves in cold weather thereby creating a steamed effect from their pants.
Hey Steve, look at that bum over there he's a steamer!!
by V ic Ryzdon July 18, 2006
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To place a lit cigarette up someone's ass or vagina.
I paid that hooker 20 dollars to give me a steamer.
by sheign June 6, 2005
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A person who is a fan and frequent user of Valve's gaming software: Steam, a notorious program known for running games such as Half-Life, Team Fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead.
Your such a Steamer
by Alexia Ashford October 8, 2010
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A fart that is extremely nasty smelling but the smell slowly comes around and won't go away. Also known as steam roller and steam roller over the mountains.
*Fart* AH you guys smell that steam roller!
by Shimmler February 11, 2003
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