A shy kid who doesn’t burst out in conversations and likes to disappear whenever he can. An Awesome superhero, but honestly his friends are a lot better. This kid will always have amazing friends to help him get out of situations. He is also a huge flirt, but only with one girl in his life. He is really loyal and won’t give on anything until it’s finally finished.
Stealth: Two months Andy! You are going to be grounded for two solid months! Do you realize how lonely I’m going to be!
by MD Jules November 14, 2020
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When one of two good friends, probably semi-dating (or at least dating potential) tells others that they are a couple.
Ben: Hey, I heard that you and Maddie are an item.

Derek: No, we are just hanging out, who told you that?

Ben: Well, Maddie did...dude you are totally being stealthed.
by SLHOPE09 May 23, 2007
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Stealth parking - is when you park in a place not necessarily meant for overnight parking. This can be on a city street, residential area or a marina parking lot or you might have
Time to kill or just scoping out the


Usually, sleeping in a vehicle on city streets is illegal . That’s why it’s important to be discreet and learn about stealth parking / camping best practices.

You may end up living in a van or a car for a variety of reasons: you want to explore, you got laid-off and can’t afford rent, or you’re trying to save money

You want your stealth camper van to look like a regular old van, not a van someone’s living in. Think a van an electrician or a plumber would use.

Old conversion vans like
Chevy Astro ,ford E-Series, Ford transit ,Toyota Prius,Subaru Outback

Some places to include are

Hotel Parking Lots,Marinas,Apartment Buildings with Unassigned Parking,Industrial Parks,Big box stores,truck stops.


It's best to invest in window Tint your windows or install curtains,
Keep the inside of your ride immaculately clean when stealth camping,
Change Locations Frequently,Keep Your Lights Low, beware of drug addicts, security guards,cops,Karen's, neighborhood watch ,thieves, burglars .

Also known as stealth camping
Stealth parking may seem kinda shady and strange

One tip we’ve heard and use often is that it’s important to change your location frequently when stealth camping. The main goal is not to draw too much attention to yourself.

For example, you don’t want to be on the same residential street every night. This might tip off neighbors who keep seeing a random van pull in late and leave early and don't have a loud muffler or lack thereof one.

Again, arrive as late as you can and leave early, preferably before people leave for work.
by Blu_leef November 2, 2022
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a hockey stick made by easton. Very like 395 grams.
My stealth is a very nice stick
by LilJOnwhattt: July 28, 2005
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Stealth blocking is when an internet user is blocked by another user or by a website without being told. Many times, the stealth blocking will be initiated by a mindless bot that assumes you are a spammer using its algorithm. You posts might only be showing up for yourself (also known as shadow banning, which is heavily used by reddit and Google Plus), or maybe only one person won't see them (this is less serious and is most often seen on Facebook). This is considered a cowardice move by many, as not only is it a temporary fix to a long term problem (let's face it, trolls will find out when their b8 isn't getting replies and just make another account), but it often affects those who haven't done anything and just happened to get falsely marked as spam by an oversensitive bot.
1. I tried to contact my ex via Facebook to give me back my laptop, but I'm pretty sure she stealth blocked me.

2. My YouTube comments are now plagued with a stealth block because trolls kept marking my comments as spam and got the G+ algorithm to start blocking them.
by thisplacesucksass March 10, 2015
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The act of turning off the ringer on your phone and telling the your family, friends and employer that you are out of town (even though you are not), just to get some peace and quiet, and freedom from hassle.
John asks, "What the hell happen to Farquar, I have not heard from him in over a week?" Julie, replies, "He said he was leaving town on a camping trip, but I think he is still in town and is just Gone Stealth."
by maninboulder August 11, 2010
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To be low key and off your competitions radar. Being unnoticed until it blows up in peoples faces.
"Joey Cutless dropped alot of hot beats and took over in STEALTH-MODE!!!"

"I'm in Stealth-mode, dressed in all black"
by swampaggin August 11, 2012
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