noun (pejorative): person guilty of using a concentration of hair products so extreme that their hair-do is rendered immobile in gale-force winds
I can't believe the number of Pez Heads in attendance at this disco, Salma...perhaps we should leave.
by Songg Righta March 15, 2004
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When a lesbian is eating out her girlfriend, and the girlfriend's Monistat pill shoot out of her vagina into the other's mouth.
Lesbian Lover #1: "oh baby! that feels.. *CHOKE*... dear god and all that is holy! i just ate a lez pez!"
by Lon Astick December 29, 2007
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kid: can i eat have twenty bucks mom?

mom: nez pez
by naincnoa July 18, 2009
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verb: To dispense, dole out, give, bestow, administer, shell out, etc.
I'm not about to pez out some cash so you can buy clothes that make you look like a whore!
by Chris Rader February 5, 2007
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A guy named Jose that thinks he's a shark playing pool but he is just a little fish.
Jose thought he was a Shark shooting pool, but checking all the money he loses to Marty he is just a pez pequeno.
by 4th Street King January 15, 2022
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Someone that has not been circumcised that tucks pez candy in his foreskin for whomever gives them the next blowjob.
My friend Shaun told me about how he hired a hooker and gave her a pez dispenser.
by Speedguy70 June 11, 2023
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