When two people (most specificly two grown men) ride on one bicycle, with the passenger either on the handle bars, or if the bike is so equiped standing on the rear axl pegs. Serving as a method of transportation, not to be playful.
He must not have had enough money for the B bus, hence he is taking the ghetto taxi down Whalley Ave.
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Girl with wheels, usually older than you, who picks you up and drops you off in exchange for sex. Possibly, but not necessarily, your boo.
Example 1:

Employee: "Hey boss, I would love to stay and talk about this project a little longer, but my pussy taxi is here".


Example 2:

Guy1: "Stuck at dinner with the 'rents - so can't pick you up at the airport like I said I would."
Guy2: "No worries. I'm dial my pussy taxi."
by MakeItStopItHurts September 10, 2010
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A drunk gay asian who will drive you poorly anywhere you want at 4 am.
I have no idea how I made it home alive last night after riding in the Chung Taxi.
by Broman Dudeman September 18, 2011
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A 90's Japanese car used for private hire or Hackney that is cherished by Indians and Pakistanis, usually a Toyota Carina-E or old Avensis that has covered 300,000 miles and battered to hell.
They will usually be full of clutter, have vile seat covers, stink of piss and vomit, have a bent MOT and be totally unroadworthy - purchased on Ebay for £100.
They will always turn up late and never ring the doorbell, choosing to blast their horns outside instead.
They will always rip you off, especially if its Saturday night 2.00 am in Manchester City Centre and you are pissed up after a night on the beer. They always chatter away on their CB Radios in Punjabi / Gudjurati / Hindi etc and have Bhangra playing on the tape deck.
Whats that awful noise - its a paki's taxi with a blown exhaust! - £20 quid to the end of the street - I'll get the bus it'll be more comfortable and quieter!
by stevie-J August 25, 2007
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A name given to Japanese girls because they are as easy to pick up and ride as a yellow taxi.
I got me a Yellow Taxi last night and i freaked that ass to the morning light.
by Y Diddy July 20, 2004
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When someone's behind is so large that it would require a seperate conveyance to carry it around.
An electric cart available at Wal Mart or other large retail outlets for obese pigs to carry their wide load butts around the store.
"Junior! Run into the store and go get your mama an ass taxi,
while I find a handicap spot."
by jsd9632 January 6, 2012
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Vigorously masturbating in the back of a taxi cab, preceding a monster load shot on the back of the seat, without having to worry about cleanup.
"Yo, Clark, you'd never believe that awesome taxi-fap I just threw down in that yellow cab."
by bonerclub22 January 2, 2010
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