Where you choose death over life. I wouldn't wish it on anyone as suicidal thoughts are horrible. I can talk from experience as I've attempted suicide twice.
I've attempted suicide twice, but I've kept fighting and I'm still here. 💖💪🏻
by Rotten Turkey June 17, 2022
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Someone who doesn't want to live anymore so they kill themselves.
I plan to suicide myself why do I want to live.
by Manuel Diaz 91 March 2, 2017
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A mixture of every fountain drink available in a medium cup.
"Hey, can you make me a suicide?"
"Whats a suicide?"
"Just put in a bit of every kind of soda you got in a medium cup."
by iTunes January 19, 2009
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A tasty pale brownish drink made by mixing together all of the available flavors of pop at a restaurant (except for water).
Although each suicide should be different, they all taste curiously similar.
by adam_f August 12, 2010
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Guy one: hey didn’t Epstein commit suicide

Guy two: wtf no, Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself
by Jeffrey Epstein December 10, 2019
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Taking one’s own life, mainly due to mental illness, extreme depression, etc.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
You are not alone. If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, call the suicide prevention number above to get help, or talk to someone, like a school counselor, friend, teacher, family, etc.
by Duck nose March 27, 2018
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