A catholic grade school serving grades k-8 in Berea Ohio that emphasizes memorization over learning.
Teacher at St Mary Berea: "Study hard for your test on Monday! I've prepared a rigorous study guide for the exam!"

Student: *looks over the guide for 5 minutes* "ehh"


Teacher: *passes out test*
Student: "Uh, I think there is a mistake? Isn't this the study guide?"

Teacher: *wink*
by SMS05 October 19, 2009
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A catholic private school hell hole in winnipeg manitoba canada for girls who want to be treated like humans but end up getting treated worse. It’s filled with mentally abusive teachers and the occasional one that doesn’t give a fuck about you
Omg Emma you went to St Mary’s Academy how tf did you survive!!
by Mr Kitith June 26, 2018
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A quite big village outside of Ipswich, in Suffolk.
It has 3 churchs, a co-ops, bakery, lucky star, hairdressers, greengrocers, news agents, a library and a school.
Capel st Mary is an amazing village

That is so Capel St Maryish
by Ally Bally28 March 20, 2011
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Mount St. Mary’s is full of either donkey-faced tramps or prude girls who weren’t good enough to get into Oak Knoll. They think that they are the shit, but in reality everyone cringes when they hear the name of that school. Every single girl who goes there is weird and/or dramatic (did I mention they look like the underside of my shoe?) . A word of advice to Mount St. Mary’s girls - stick to public school and save the extra dollars, and to normal kids- stay away from them, avoid them at all costs, you’re wasting your time. P.S. Don’t let their desperate vsco posts convince you otherwise.
Normal Kid: “What school do you go to?”
Tramp: “Mount St. Mary’s.”

Normal Kid: *runs off a cliff*
by DØNKÄY January 4, 2019
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Quite literally a cement prison. 1/3 of the school is gay or bi but too scared to admit it. They either stare at their homie's ass or the teacher's ass. Every student from year 9+ has more hormones than 5 standard male adults.

The school although in close proximity to Sydney Grammars, lacks everything they have, such as functional toilets. Every second week a toilet is stuffed with toilet paper. Or the door is broken because some kid kicked it down while shouting "FBI open up", while their friend is taking a shit or pissing. The school can recite the Angelus off by heart, but it can't recite the multiplication table, no matter how hard they try. The school cares more about whether the students are wearing black or white socks more than anything.

The whole school either has a new MacBook or a new gaming laptop to play their Summertime Saga on. They think they can stop students from accessing social media at school, when everyone has a VPN.

And yes, St Mary's Cathedral College is the school that had a principal arrested for Child abuse charges. And the religion teachers deny George Pell's wrongdoing and get all riled up every time they hear his name. The only notable alumni since the school was established in 1824 is Albanese who still can't win against Scomo, Although bragging about being the oldest Catholic school in Australia, they are second, after Parramatta Marist. So I don't know where they are getting this false information from.
Person 1: Who's that kid slapping his friend's ass?
Person 2: Probably a St Mary's Cathedral College student

Person 1:Who's failed science test is that?
Person 2: A St Mary's student probably

Person 1: Who's that sexist, racist pig?
Person 2: Pretty obviously a St Mary's student

Person 1: Who's that virgin looking clown?
Person 2: St Mary's student for sure.
by Cathedral man April 29, 2022
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the most shittiest school in london idec before mr simms came it was live everyone who came out is on piss mr simms stink he can suck my left toe lanky prick.
A. Do you go st marys high cheshunt?
B. Yes I do
C AHHHAAA Its so shit bro
by SuCkK yO mUdDaA April 1, 2020
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Also known as "El Cucaracha", also known as "Edmonds' Shack-o-Love".
Meaning a place or a home to the next generation of college paloozas, supplier to young BU folk and the freshmen girls next to them with keg beer, themed parties, and more drinking games than sides on a cirlce.
I woke up at 49 St. Mary's in the kitchen sink in a kimono.

by Cornelius49 August 8, 2008
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