The aftermath of a curry-centric dinner the night before.
"I had Indian food last night and I've been suffering Shiva's Revenge all day today."
by CurryVictim3 February 26, 2016
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Used to describe one of the members of We talk funny Minnesota. Online Shiva is best known for doding LANS and weighing over 350 pounds.
God damnit, online shiva is just too good.
by T K November 21, 2004
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Being a Shiva basically means that you are a..... obsessive, bitchy, angry, 40-year-old-virgin, who has no motive in life and is super obsessed about a certain someone even though they don't feel the same towards you, so you spoil them with gifts trying to get their acceptance. Also, you blame the world for all your problems. You have no drive in life and you blame the world for that. Also, you're ugly, fat, and will forever be alone due to your anxiety or driving. Which is why you only go distances within a mile radius of your residence. And you have no life so you just play league all day and sit and wait for your friends that you take for granted to come online and guilt trip them into gaming with you until day breaks... and the list goes on and on.
Bro, stop "being a shiva"! You make me really uncomfortable. I accept you for who you are and all but I don't feel the same way towards you.
by boypanda February 3, 2018
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used from the word "arms" which means: Someone doing something that is considered mean.
shiva an indian god has many arms therefore someone who is being "more arms than shiva" is being very very arms
hey rahul you are being more arms than shiva.
yo man that was more arms than shiva.
by duppyy December 31, 2010
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You’re a real Shiva if you are shivering whilst she is dancing on you
by Shivatron January 3, 2023
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