Full of white kids that think they're mad tough just because they can say they live in Boston. They also think they can fight anyone from anywhere and win. In reality, they can't. West Roxbury is a very safe neighborhood and the worst thing that can happen is that someone ding dong ditches u or they steal ur bike but then wimp out and give it back.
Dedham Kid: All those kids from West Roxbury think they're mad hood

Dedham Kid B: Fact, they should come to East Dedham and see what's up
by Edforlife July 14, 2016
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The best part of Boston where kids come from all over to hang at billings field and booze. There are no rats in westie besides the one Tobin family. West Roxburys zip code is 02132 and many kids from westie could fuck up anyone from Dorchester or pussy southie especially the pussy burbs around the city.
Don’t go down billings field in West Roxbury the patty wagon is down there bustin balls.
by Westieman617 October 8, 2019
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The best neighborhood in Boston. Every kid from there is so wealthy that they try to act tough to fit the Boston narrative. Doing so they drink tweas and bud lights every weekend then fight each other or random kids. This ends up making them tough and they would fuck up anyone from anywhere else.
John: You see those kids over there, let’s go fuck them up
Tim: Nah let’s get out of here they’re from West Roxbury
by Bostonian61769 October 26, 2022
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West Roxbury is a fun town in Boston.

A lot of people hang out at billings field or Roxbury Latin. There’s a lot of fags at Catholic memorial but some people there are chill.
Yo Joe Want to meet up in west Roxbury at the Billings field woods and smoke some dope.
by Xaverian Hawk July 22, 2021
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The worst place in Boston. This is also the heart of black culture in Boston. Roxbury is very dangerous but is also lit it all depends what part your at. Also I do not recommend walking through here in the night unless you wanna get jumped or robbed.
Yo bruh you heard bout lil shorties daggering party? Yea I have but we’re it at? It’s at Roxbury my nigga shits finna be a vine
by Blk gooda March 22, 2019
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Roxbury is the worst place in Boston it’s a place we’re a lot of the people live in poverty.
People die a lot in this neighborhood and it’s extremely unsafe, there are crackheads and homeless everywhere. People are murdered like nothing but Roxbury I’m the 1980’s and 90’s was the worst people were dying everyday I remember I used to see dead people lying on the floor and drugs and needles everywhere. If the founders of Boston could see what happened to Roxbury they would be in shock but it would lowkey be funny.
Yktv Roxbury gang or you heard what happened in deathbury.
by Blk gooda March 22, 2019
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At a bar or nightclub, it is trying to hook up with, dance with, or talk to the same girl your friend is trying to hook up with. This usually results in the girl being quickly overwhelmed, freaking out, and leaving you both by yourselves.

Past tense: Roxburied.
Q: "What happened to that girl you were talking to?"

A: "Oh, Jay came over there and roxburied me. She ran away apalled, back to her huddle of friends."

followed by the agreived party singing "What is love, baby don't hurt me..." and pointing at the roxburying offender.
by el mochilero January 30, 2012
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