To do a Remy you have to be awake the whole night. This was named after Remy after he was basically skipping day time.
Hey bro you did a remy?
by Hot Feesh April 3, 2020
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Take two lines at the same time with both nostril.
by Remy1887 January 4, 2021
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A smelly homosexual Gipsy, that practices black magic and lives on nothing but rice.
I Think that remis just put a curse on me. :(
by Santasack February 17, 2012
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if you have a nokia phone try and type "penis" on dictionary, you'll find its known as a Remis :)
Tim's Remis is too small For Natt
by Stevo April 21, 2004
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A person who's only true talent in life is to roll there stomach like a wave on the ocean
“Did u go for a surf yesterday, Anon?”
“Yeah, but the waves were so Remy”
by Jesuswaslikemybestfriend August 20, 2018
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to leave unannounced, followed quickly by everyone else's confusion
dude, where the fuck did tod go? oh, he must have pulled a remy.
by remyokoaur October 23, 2009
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1.Can substitute for any word when talking in code.
2.Often used to express different levels of excitement.
3.With different tones has different meanings. Very few can really appreciate the universal representations of this word.
Did you get the remis yet?
Hey reme wz good?
Remis me up!
by Abbner and Shadizzle December 15, 2008
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