All rainas are Libra’s ... they always make weird movements with their hands and they are always the liar😫 never trust a raina
by bringbackthe80s April 19, 2021
Woke up in 2011, sharing our collective horror that urban dictionary is trending. Her secret knowledge will get her through the 2020s
by Hail the end November 24, 2021
A thot and a homie hoper who has to have a different boyfriend every week. Raina has nothing fun in her life so she spreads rumors about other people.
by Isssssss meeeeee January 5, 2019
Raina is a kind but stubborn person. They don’t let people in easily but when they do let someone in they will do anything for them. You’re lucky to have a Raina as a friend. They can be very competitive so playing board games can get a but crazy lol. They have a dark sense of humour and aren’t amazing and comforting people but they will try. They love animals and are amazing at math. They are often insecure even though they are such beautiful people!
Person 1: who’s that? They just body chucked me for no reason!
Person 2: oh that’s Raina. You must’ve been in the way. They don’t wait for people to move for them.
Person 2: oh that’s Raina. You must’ve been in the way. They don’t wait for people to move for them.
by CrAzY queen March 21, 2022
Raina is an annoying self centered person. She often gets muted in whatsapp chats and is hated by everyone. No one likes her but she says that she has 1000 friends and 10000 love her to death.
by SMARTGUY:::::) February 19, 2022
Raina is an annoying person and often is muted in whatsapp chats. She claims she has 10000000 friends and 10000 people who love her to death but in actuality both of them are 0.
by SMARTGUY:::::) February 19, 2022
annoyingest person you will ever meet. annoying as hell.
will annoy you until you want to die.
pronounces words wrong and calls hunting for fish "fish hunting"
ego larger than jupiter, so annoying you want to cut your eyes out
will annoy you until you want to die.
pronounces words wrong and calls hunting for fish "fish hunting"
ego larger than jupiter, so annoying you want to cut your eyes out
by BigTitLover7 October 2, 2022