1.One who hails from the island of Puerto Rico
2.One whose family is descended from the island of Puerto Rico
3. Any item deriving it's origin from the island of Puerto Rico
4.Any item relating to the people of Puerto Rico/Puerto Ricans
Puerto ricans are from puerto ricans but they cant compete with mexicans.
by Ana C. March 2, 2005
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Loudest people on earth. The most sexiest and dopest people you can get. Crazy but trustworthy. One of the best races out here. Get you a Puerto Rican.
Damn that is one fine Puerto Rican girl

by Ilanna leandra s. June 26, 2017
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(N) Variation of traditional motorboat (loose-lipped shaking of one's face between breasts while making motorboat sound), whereby one motorboats a woman's ass(preferably a Puerto Rican stripper's ass).
I woke up this morning and totally remembered Puerto Rican motorboating 2 strippers at Frenchy's last night.
by Odiggz July 21, 2013
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The timing system puerto ricans use for anything. Usually it's 30 mins to 3 hours after you need them to be there.
"Jose you're late for your appointment!" "im on puerto rican time mang"
by jo jo bob March 20, 2014
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Snorting coke off of a puerto rican prostitutes anus that is riddled with shit crumbs from previous anal sex encounters.
Man I still have a smell of asshole in my nose from performing that dusty puerto rican on handy Mandy last night.
by Spoonyt69 February 18, 2022
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When preforming unprotected intercourse the male does not pullout during climax. He simply "pulls out" of his partners life and flees the country, avoiding all risks of fathering a child. (Originated in Puerto Rico)
Jim did the Puerto Rican pullout last night, haven't seen him since. {to preform the Puerto Rican pullout
by Bush did 9/11 April 1, 2015
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A form of Judo, typical of the Puerto Rican communities in the five boroughs of New York City as well as large parts of South Florida. This "street" form of martial arts involves totting a knife or gun in the fight without the knowledge of your opponent. Please see example below...
Hector: Imma beat yo ass kung-fu style!!
Ricardo: Chutup you! I do dat Puerto Rican Judo!
Hector: What the fuck is dat sheit?!?
Ricardo: Judo-know if I gada knife, judo-know if I gada gun!
by "Grille Master B" February 9, 2010
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