I think it's dolan dark and techno blade
I don't know—it's what u presume to be in tw*tter
by ender♡ October 12, 2021
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The term (singular or plural) used on fans who look upon their favorite bands/actors/celebrities as gods, or as something to be obtained. Usually around the age of 14, but can also be older. The Prey are easily duped into believing any rumour about their favorite band, and are quick to jump to conculsions or become upset when their wishes do not go as planned. Usually bordering on a personality disorder. Commonly socially inept.
The Prey girl wrote a horribly written fanfiction story in which she and Gerard from My Chemical Romance got married. When Mr. Way got married in real life, the Prey was upset and cried for weeks.
by RipperReaper September 26, 2007
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prey kkjdsjfhsdkfhksfhkdfhksfhskkjhgfdsdfghjkhfhksfhksfhksfhks
by KKDDSS April 13, 2022
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When a guy is fucking a girl and right when he busts a nut, she chops his fucking head off.
She was taller than him after they got done fucking preying mantis style.
by Solid Mantis June 16, 2019
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A reverse black widow or preying mantis is a male that kills a female after they mate.
Henry VIII of England was a reverse preying mantis since he would chop a female's head off after they mated.
by Solid Mantis June 16, 2019
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