An evolution of powned or pwned (1) (which in turn derives from owned). It also has connotations of poon as in poon tang (3) to mean pussy, famously used in South Park. Pooned (4) Also has connotations of harpooned and is pronounced the same way.

Also used in to mean to nail something (get it right) or someone (get laid)
(1) "You got powned/pwned"
(2) "You got owned"
(3) "I'm gonna get me some God damn poon tang"
(4) "Oooh you got pooned"
(5) "You see that whale over there with harpoon scars? That's right... last night.... she got POONED!"
by Jowy the phleghmbot October 27, 2009
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From the word far-eastern word poontang, meaning vagina.
Her poon was so saggy I lost my car keys in it.
by Dr Definition May 16, 2003
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A poonis slang for a vape or e cig that was developed by DA DEMONS IN THE CITY OF TORONTO only the real ones know the meaning behind it s/o to DA demons TRENDSETTERS

Yo broski pass the poon !

Saying you copped a new poon!

by Savage673 August 19, 2019
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Pooned originated from pwned, which originated from owned. Pwned was made popular in counterstrike, as a more "1337" way of saying owned. Owned was mispelled as pwned in some other game, i think warcraft, which is how pwned came about, sort of a joke. Pooned came to my attention from watching the MyGot hacker flash video of counterstrike, in which it portrays some nerd saying pwned outloud, hence the pronunciation "pooned."

E.G.- "OMG, i love the map dust, i can poon so many noobs, and maybe if i poon enough noobs today, i can raise my server rank from 3 to 1 (hehehe)"

I then myself started using poon and pooned while playing counterstrike cuz it was funny as hell when people asked, "wtf does pooned mean?" Now, apparently, a lot of people use it, i haven't seen it though, only on servers i play in, in which case the bastards stole the word from me. They should be pooned for that.
"My napalm grenade burninated your ass, POONED!"

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poon-a bitch that’s sexy af
she’s a real poon bro!
by Tare bear January 28, 2019
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While in the act of “Mooning” to person starts to poo. Aussie Slang.
The guy who was shocked when the girl started to moon him, but the shock turned to horror when the moon turned into poon!
by Boots01 May 6, 2022
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Another term for vagina. It is a slang word used by boys.
by jjofficialxv October 28, 2014
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