What you call a woman that you want to suck and polish your cock.
by Frank Palace January 8, 2012
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When a female has no bodily curves, lending the term "Polish" as her body has similar proportions to a pole.
Vinny: DAMMMNNN, that bitch straight Polish dawg.
Greg: Yeah man, she ain't lookin right.
Vinny: Word son, she's lookin like a mad grenade right now.
Evan: What the fuck man, does she eat food...?
by McTweezy September 1, 2010
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poorest country in europe, their meal is sausage big as 30 year male athlete arm, drunkiest people on earth, polish people are hard labours in heavy industry for low wages and maximum hours in west europe especialy Norway, they have really some nice people. my town Oslo has very large polish, almost all rich americans are Polish Jews, but all almost all poor in Oslo are non jew polish, i havnt seen jew polish yet. is a jew polish? maybe
polish surename readin is extreme as it has many zszki, for unknown reasons all have either czszs or wzcsziski. erics surename is mzszirtski,damn its hard.
by adenman August 7, 2008
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Using your hand as a handkerchief when you blow snot into it and then promptly flick it off toward the ground.
I saw this guy use his hand as a Polish Hankie when he blew snot after he sneezed.
by will bitten October 1, 2016
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The best way to kill a werewolf.
Make sure your shoe polish contains silver nitrate first, otherwise it won't work and you'll get your head torn off instead.
by ibangerjeepers May 21, 2022
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After consuming 10-15 beers you hang yourself naked upside down from the ceiling fan .. You then pee continuously till you become dizzy and fall to the floor ....a somewhat high risk maneuver so some form of head protection is usually advised when performing this act
PHIL: "hey Larry do you and Cindy want to come over for dinner tonight?"..... LARRY:" probably not she's not talking to me since I pissed all over her couches and fell through her glass coffee table doing the polish helicopter last night
by Super jo jo and friends July 14, 2016
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the holy cow that is in the bible
holy cow=polish cow
by comic guy November 25, 2020
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