Being high as fuck. Derived from the word "pine" as in a pine tree.
Bro, I am soooo freaking pined right now, I can't talk!
by PurpleSwag July 26, 2011
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it's when u push ur dick against another person's dick and u just like ,, poke each other. that's it. that's pining.
sam: what did you and cas do last night?
dean: oh, we were pining over each other.
by squintyangelcas January 29, 2016
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I saw Matt come out of the pub and he was absolutely pined
by sprinkleofprotips April 24, 2016
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There are two definitions of pining
1. To fuck/engage is sexual intercourse
2. When two people are all over each other.
"Julia and Ryan are pining on the couch."
by JARULE September 17, 2012
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To get benched in a sport
You got pined and it's only the 3rd inning, lmfao
by Geotrio June 12, 2003
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When you get so drunk that your sense of judgment in regards to the attractiveness of a female is lowered significantly
I only slept with her because I got pined last night
by Reggin6 December 10, 2018
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To be so soundly defeated in such devestating fashion you can no longer function as a human being.
Ray's got Pined by Lou in Poker so badly that by the end of the year he was homeless and sucking dick for crack.
by Luis Fonovic October 25, 2006
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