Momo is a modern slang shortened term of Good morning.
by RasSunshine May 16, 2021
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The general mood or vibe of a situation.
A description of the atmosphere of a situation.
What's the momo?
Hey how's the party? What's the momo in there?
by mcdonaldshashbrowns July 10, 2018
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A hater and a somtimes mean lady 😡that need to zip it
by Mysterious mystical fugue July 17, 2018
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A creepy picture of a girl photoshopped to look like an anime girl. It was originally posted to reddit and people said that the person who made it was trying to send you gore
Did you see that creepy picture of Momo?”
by trumpstransson July 19, 2018
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Not annoying, the hottest man in the word. He's very funny and lit. Has an 8-inch+ penis and is a girl magnet. Never cheats, always lit and awesome.
by MomoIzLit February 23, 2018
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Another word for Captain Morgan Spiced Rum used frequently among teens
Dids, you down to get a liter of Momo for tonight's dance?
by mrplinks November 26, 2009
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Momo is a keeper. If you're lucky enough to become good friends with a momo, you should never let her go. Never ever. Momos are the good kinda crazy, she's beautiful and she is adorable out of your mind.

The biggest quality that stands out are her eyes. She's the best at what she does. Her next best quality is her smile. Especially when she's smiling at you. That's the best part. She often has dark brown and luscious hair. Best person to talk to and best person to be friends with.

Threes a lot of dumb hilarious things she does because she's the best at it.

She loves outdoors and makeup and dogs and her friends. The little things make her happy, sand she's not afraid to speak her mind, if she's close to you.
Guy : "woah whos that? "
Momos friend: "that is momo "
Guy: "but she's everything."
Momos friend: "she is. "
Guy: *mixed feelings *
by Prestochno April 15, 2017
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