A boy with a little dick, that uses all his time playing roblox.
You grinding rolox, you must be a "Mads Milde"
by Bin saden July 30, 2022
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A rapist who cares for the sexual wants and needs of the victim.
It wasn't so bad. He was a mild raper
by Batjoker January 29, 2016
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A mild crush is when you have a crush, but it’s not as severe or serious as a full on crush.
You still like them, but you are ok with being friends or just strangers.

Another reason for a mild crush is that you know that you’ll probably never be able to be in a relationship with them so you lower the bar and don’t expect anything serious to happen between you and them.
“I just have a mild crush on them, it’s not that serious. I’ll probably never ever be dating them anyways.”
by Biodrox December 8, 2021
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Person 1: Look at this drawing of Miles Morales I did

Person 2: Nah bro that’s Mild Morales. Why is he white???
by Schwarfo June 16, 2023
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When you run completely out of blacks and are reduced to scrounging. You dip into the ashtray and split open all the tips, then you roll it into a Marley jay. Put the jay in the tip and light up.
Guy 1 - "Damn, I am out of blacks."
Guy 2 - "Shit, just roll up a white and mild."
by Mo Hoove March 1, 2011
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A good friend to bond with over eventful life situations.
I bonded with my mild acquaintance over our latest dramatic antics.
by superfriendie July 2, 2021
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