black lives matter, also known as BLM, is a movement made to eliminate white supremacy. the black lives matter movement also peacefully protest against the unjust treatment against black people, police brutality, and all racially motivated violence against black people.
person 1: hey, are you going to the black lives matter movement next week?
person 2: of course!
by grape fanta July 25, 2020
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Black Lives Matter Movement is a movement to move us to equality and justice. BLMM is shortened to Black Lives Matter Movement. Black lives matter is a system where we equality and justice happens everywhere to the blacks because in America, whites only seem to have control over the minorities and the people of color who try to stand with BLM. Systematic oppression is held within minorities and is tired of hearing words of “black privilege” because that doesn’t exist. Neither does the oppressor being oppressed. You can’t be oppressed while being the oppressor, it wouldn’t make sense.
Dude 1: I think all lives matter.
Dude 2: What about the gays and trans then? What about some black lives matter?
Dude 1: I didn’t mean it by that..
Dude 2: Exactly, you’re only silencing the oppressed by saying that whites matter, but they haven’t been killed by police. They were only arrested.
Dude 1: #ALM!!
Dude 2: no, it’s not all lives matter until black lives matter.
by EllerIgnorance July 4, 2020
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A movement that aims to end police violence against Black People
Black Lives Matter.
by Beyhive-StarWarsFan January 29, 2022
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Something often said to people when they say black lives matter in a protest.
Person 1: Black lives matter!
Person 2: Don't all lives matter?
Person 1: No lives matter until black lives do, you racist!
Person 2: But black lives is a part of all lives?
by Whipped_Cream September 20, 2020
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