A term used as a joke to make the other person feel stupid
Do u have ligma?”
“What’s ligma?”
by tryhard232 December 16, 2018
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Ligma, also known as Ligma Bronchitis Severity Syndrome, Is a disease a part of the BO-FA spectrum of bronchitis diseases (Brundius octoral fugma allergen) The disease affects the lungs, throat, and mouth. Ligma is reported to have killed approximately 69,420,666 people throughout history. Ligma was first discovered in 1934 by professor Sins at the national DN University for health studies. Soon after his passing, his grandchildren continued his work, discovering more diseases in the BO-FA spectrum, including, but not limited to, Dragun, Candiss, rydon, and the namesake, Bofa. Lately, scientists have been looking to make a vaccine for ligma.
Unfortunate passings due to Ligma
Tyler "Ninja" Blevins - 2018
Joseph mama - 1999
Candice deck - 2003
Dragon Deeznats - 2011

Rest in peace.
by MittensUB May 8, 2022
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A type of slang used in the 21st century.
Typically used in jokes.
"I have ligma.."
"What's ligma?"
"Ligma BALLS" (Lick my balls)
by Qyx May 11, 2023
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League of Independent Gasoline Marketers of America
Without ligma, the gasoline market would become a monopoly. Thank you Ligma.
by Nutio Stevens June 15, 2018
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Needless to say, "ligma" is a joke illness that was created specifically to troll the masses. When somebody asks "What is ligma?" the joke is to reply "Lick my balls!" as in "Ligma balls!" Yes, that's it. That's the joke in a nutshell.
"I can't believe he died from ligma."
by Dr.Boobstar August 1, 2018
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A super rare disease that only popular Fortnite streamers carry, such as Ninja, who has died of Ligma, and it believed that the following streamers have Ligma: TSM_Myth, TSM_Hamlinz, TSM_Daequan, CDNThe3rd, Dakotaz, HighDistortion, and many more, there is only one survivor of Ligma, and its the Fortnite Youtuber; Ceeday.
Hey you know Ninja?


He died of ligma

oh thats sad lets play some duo's
by fuck_for_brains November 7, 2018
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Ligma is a diasese that originated in the south-east Asian country of Sawcon, it was discovered by scientists Charles D Eema, and Ray Pist, the first recorded patient was a homeless man that was used as a lab rat named Moe Lester, and he died within two days of his infection. After that the viles of the disease were lost, and the disease went cold for over a century, until Sugondese (person from Sawcon) scientist Comm-U-Nism, took the vile on a trip to Chicago Illinois, where he lost the vile, and his life when he wore red on the south side, from there the disease fell into the hands of a notorious drug dealer/ SoundCloud rapper

Uhava “Lil Pipi” Bich, where he put it in some dank weed and sold it to popular Twitch Fortnite streamer Ninja, Ninja got the disease and was the first case in over a century. From there the disease spread throughout the Fortnite community, but thankfully, the disease has evolved and changed over time, it is now a STD (sexually transmitted disease) and since so far only Fortnite players have it, we are all safe from this deadly disease

Eema: “Aye Ray, what do you say we call this disease”
Pist: “Well it affects the lungs, intestines, causes lumps in the groin area( the sugondese word for groin is midickhard), and as we’ve seen from poor Moe over there, causes death by asphyxiation, so how about Ligma
Eema: Good name Pist
Pist: Thanks, also, why Eema
Eema: Eema dick bitch
by DrBigAndToasty October 22, 2018
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