Kpop is a term for Korean bands.
They are mostly made up of faggots and the songs are cancer that only white girls and thots enjoy.
Thot 1: omg did you see the new kpop song
by Juice Ren May 27, 2018
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A very beautiful genre of music and people should listen to it without prejudice
by mahveenisasimp July 1, 2020
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korean pop music
aka the best music ever

or a deadly cult that will destroy your life
examples of kpop groups are
monsta x

btw all of them are great and most kpop stars are gorgeous like omg its hard not to fall in love with there beautiful face and personality

And to all non-kpop fans don't say ''ching chong'' music don't call kpop fans "sushi stans" it's VERY racist
and yes people actually say those things
i listened to one bts song and now I'm obsessed with kpop.
by Ms.Yin June 7, 2018
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Korean Pop. I'm sure you know what it is. I've listened to a few myself and to be honest they're not bad. The problem is the easily triggered toxic fanbase that will hang you for making the slightest joke about their jungkook jimin ching chong. Honestly I have no idea what made them like that.
Twomad: Kpop twitter idiots you stans you dumbfucks you jimin jungkook retards you fucking sarangheyo-(i dont know) you type the dumbest shit you think you're so great go to fuckin' mcdonalds and ask for more ketchup packets you fuckin-
Kpop twitter: *screams of agony*
by 8we6oqd4wq October 12, 2020
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a bunch of untalanted chink bent men who graduated from tending to the rice farms to making garbage industry music for large corporations, many kpoop i mean kpop stars have commited suicide because the toxic fanbase who are obsessed with them
person 1: i heard those kpop weirdos are coming to florida
kpoop stain: oppa bts kpop fancam stan loona

person 1: yeah whatever just keep those weirdos out of the states
by zakcahrai February 16, 2020
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Kpop fan: DiD YoU hEaR BTs NeWs AlBuM??????

Someone who is not a fucking retard: No fuck kpop
by Bruh jit July 14, 2019
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Overated dumb ass music that americans love for some fucking reason
"Kpop is so goood ! "
"It sucks dick, you whore "
by Tiktokthot14 March 12, 2019
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