1) awsome, cool, sweet. 2) o.k., alright, sure.
example 1): (1st person says): Dude, we get to go to Florida. (2nd person says): KOO KOO KA CHOO!!
example 2): (1st person says): Hey, can you get me the pen? (2nd person says): Koo koo ka choo.
by Josh December 13, 2004
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When you drink too much, eat something bad or your sick you throw up.
That guy drank too much. He looks like he's gonna Koo Koo Kachoo.
by Julia January 20, 2004
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Koo syndrome is caused by skin-to-skin contact with other recipents. It is not a lethal and serious disease, but possible side effects are the excessive use of "koo" for other words.
An example of the use of "koo" between two Koo syndrome recipents:
Creeper_Corrupt: Koo join training or demote
(Random dude): No stfu koo im a lazy ass
Creeper: Do you want the "Degradierungzeit?!"
Dude: Oh s### imma join training now no demot pls papa Creep
by cut the crap April 12, 2019
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1.A two finger stab at a vagina.
May or may not be warranted.
May or may not be expected.

2.A unexpected punch to the vagina.
Encouraged to undermine a female's
authority in a given situation.
1.Oh man I totally gave Shirley a koo shot last night before we fucked.
2.Then after Shirley passed out some random hobo came by and gave her a koo shot.
3.This bitch came up to us and started yelling and shit so out of no where Kyle gave her a koo shot and she went down.
by Z Diddy March 28, 2005
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john koo is jungkooks twin
john koo: hi
person: guys look its john koo🤩🤞
by spidermanstwinbrother July 2, 2022
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A term that the beatles coined while tripping on acid. It shouldn't really have a meaning, but can be used interjectionally to emote the mental state of ones self under the influence of a controlled substance.
by Mako like the Shark July 18, 2008
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a large male homosapien
ectomorphic body structure ( long and skinny limbs )
concave pectoral muscles

triangular shaped face
pink panther like

very unstable especially when under the influence
occasionally found with flat wet shit instead of hair

it is never seen sober but rather transforms into its alter ego Jacobus Speedstick Els

hobbies: Lineouts , wearing ridiculous hats, extra maths , wearing : jeans , plakkies , no shirt and hat

Is well-known for his bordering on retarded , senseless Facebook statii.
It once experimented with some Hydrogen Peroxide and his very own hair.(Eksperimentele foutjie)
It has been quoted saying : "I am the koos poep"
Only one male specimen (the Koos Poep) has been found thus far however a female specimen with an apparent common ancestor has been spotted once at Kirsty Bouch's house.
by not till bauer at all May 27, 2009
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