A dead famous guy that we really should care bout cuz people day every day.
(Person 1) Pope John Paul II died dude!
(Person 2) So what James, Tommy, and Eric were all gunned down just 3 days ago and no one gave a shit bout them.
(Person 1) Dude you're gonna go to hell for that.
(Person 2) Fuck you and that dead fuck.
by JX13 April 4, 2005
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I go to pope john paul ii high school. I want to dye. Yall went to high school. I wentz to skool hi
by ihaveaids666 April 24, 2018
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a one of a kind man, weird and full of exceptional thoughts. He loves being random as much as he loves his random girlfriend, Realyn. His visual captures his prolly's heart cos he looks more handsome than any oppa in kdrama. Last but not the least, his beautiful girlfriend loves him very much. Until the world forgets the matter of time.
by ronpauljohn August 15, 2021
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a very funny person and great to be around. all the girls love a John-Paul. he is quiet when you first meet him but once you get know him, hes funny, talented, and hot. Dont forget a John-Paul also has the best drip.
omg its John-Paul he so fine!!!
by sheeeeeeeeshhhhhhh May 27, 2021
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A John-Paul is a laboratory created clone with the genius of Napoleon, the ruthlessness of Julius Caesar, the daring of Hannibal, and the shrewdness of Attila the Hun.

A John-Paul goes by many names: "The Crawling Chaos," "God of a Thousand Forms," "Stalker Among the Stars," "Black Pharaoh," "Faceless God," and "Messenger of the Outer Gods" among others. His motives are unclear - though he is clearly an agent of chaos.

Otherwise, a John-Paul is known for being a swell fella and steadfast friend.
Revelation 13:1: John-Paul will rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
by NotJohn-Paul November 23, 2021
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A John-Paul is a laboratory created clone with the genius of Napoleon, the ruthlessness of Julius Caesar, the daring of Hannibal, and the shrewdness of Attila the Hun.

A John-Paul is a Lovecraftian agent of chaos whose motives and machinations are unclear. A John-Paul goes by many names: "The Crawling Chaos," "God of a Thousand Forms," "Stalker Among the Stars," "Black Pharaoh," "Faceless God," and "Messenger of the Outer Gods" among others.

Otherwise, a John-Paul is known for being a swell fella and steadfast friend.
Revelation 13:1: John-Paul will rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
by NotJohn-Paul November 23, 2021
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