In theory, Huang Tung is a term used to describe people who likes to eat, likes to joke around, likes to do pranks and just plain lazy.

In litterature, it is a term used to describe an almost fat guy that's always carrying food on him.

Normally used to insult others.
I saw a Huan Tung at the cafe.
by Phatman Snake March 24, 2005
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The worst guy ever he's a big asshole with no respect for any women. He is the definition of a dickhead. His friends are really nice and they are cool. His friends are better then him at everything and he doesn't know how to get off his phone while he is walking. He likes to watch the video on you tube called ,"What your name Tony." he laughs hysterical to everything stupid.
Timothy Shin Huang is a dickhead with nice friends.
by LELELE is better the Tim February 26, 2020
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This is a term that was created to describe the current Chinese population growth. With the recent overpopulation of Chinese people, the term "huang bang" has been invented.
dude1: yo guy did you notice we're slowly being overrun by the Chinese?

dude2: ya dudebro it's all part of the huang bang.
by Gregorysmiles122 August 13, 2006
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The Chinese tyrant who committed ethnic cleansing or cultural ethnic cleansing to multiple non-Qin tribes, such as the Yue (Viet) tribes, Austroasiatic tribes, and Hmong tribes, to "unify" them under the Qin dynasty. Also, Qin oppressed people to death while building the Great Wall of China to keep out northern invaders, murdered many educated scholars out of paranoia, burned historical books to hide his atrocities, attempted to murder his men if they don’t find the elixir for him to become “immortal”, etc. Joyfully, Qin got poisoned to death, even though it was too late that certain tribes were already absorbed into the Han Chinese rule either forcefully or willingly when the Han dynasty successfully conquered indigenous lands by expanding southwards after 200 B.C.
In 1912, the social constructed/national term "Chinese" was created by Sun Yat-sen. This term derived from the first imperial Chinese emperor, Qin Shi Huang, to unite and control different ethnic groups as only one people, Hans, under one-party rule. Today, the CCP takes this term to somewhat extreme by purging out the true ethnic identities of people, who are not "descendants of the Yellow Emperor". Also, I noticed that the term “Qin” means “Chin” plus the word “dynasty” next to it equals “China”. In other words, Chinese people are referred to as "Qin people", meaning they are still slaves to Qin's legacy. Get it? Qinese people. Many people don't know the word "Chinese" actually is.
by TheUnknown21 February 5, 2020
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CAN seduce anyone men and women, is the hotty with a body and defo can solo anyone in valorant, destiny 2, Minecraft, and solitare. Bro is unit and he is has superpowers, he is a real life superhero and I mean bro can solo king bob if he wanted to no cap. literally
Derek Huang go marry me rn fr -tyler
by Tyler Kiwi August 22, 2022
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She's the cutest person you will ever meet. She's cute and well,... cute. She judges people but also loves her closest friends and family. If you're nice to her, she will be nice back. If you're mean to her.. she might still be nice but her friends won't hold back.
"Wow did you SEE Yuki Huang today? She is so cute" "Yuki Huang is so sweet"
by moth3rb3ar July 24, 2022
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