Usually name for a very handsome and talented person.
My parents name me Ji hou because that hope I can be a talented human in the future.
by Joethum November 22, 2021
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Hou Min is the ultimate life-form. He is the strongest being to walk the earth. He is the last descendent of Mao Zedong, so his power is immeasurable. He is unkillable and undefeatable. Hou Min channels the power of the China man, which allows him to manipulate anything that was made in China. He also has a demon mode. When he enters this mode he sees everything, and in this form he is unstoppable. He cannot be beaten and is strong enough to destroy planets with his stare. However, his weakness/strength are happy meals. If you give him a happy meal, he might actually help you instead of brutally ripping your spine out. You can even try trapping him by luring him with happy meals, although he will probably destroy you. But that's just his 1st form. After consuming 69,420 happy meals, he unlocks and masters the happymealgan, which allows him to manipulate and create infinite happy meals. He can literally create infinite happy meals inside you, bursting your body open. He has more forms, although those are uncertain. His power level is immeasurable. Hou Min can also be used as transportation, as you can fuel him with just happy meals.
niggel 1: hey bro you saw how hou min blew up obama?
niggel 2: yeah dude, it was totally explosive. best part was when he blew up saturn
by last century September 27, 2022
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