I’m Harmony, yes that’s my name

(My yt: Qxeentho msp)
“Harmony is so pretty, everyone wants to be her”
by Iknowyouarejellyofme January 24, 2019
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Hey Harmony got me these gifts for no reason, just stopped by my house and left them there with note.
Friend: how nice
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harmony - cyber company, responsible for the construction of torrents, online games, software, malware, bots, banners and phishing sites. originally started in november 2006, the company has had limited activity over recent months since thier internet site closed down.
harmony - computers need it...
by cyber_companys August 28, 2009
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Harmony is one of the most beautiful girls you would ever meet and prefers a guy like Akeel
by Mike Thomson June 22, 2017
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a gay bitch that falls for every girl she sees. a stem lesbian.
Josh: hey Harmony, wanna go out with me?
Harmony: nah bro I'm gay as fuck *throws up peace sign*
by G4YHO3 January 12, 2020
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1. A bitch who only cares about herself. She has a unproportionate body. She is selfish and can't take responsibility for her own actions. She is a liar and a cheater. She has no heart.
2. Peace
I went out with this girl for a little while.... She was a total Harmony!

We live in harmony.
by Datboydoe May 22, 2014
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A girl who never shared her lays chips, very violent,and can snap at any moment
Harmony is rude
by Ioswoooloop May 7, 2019
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