An extremely beautiful and sexy girl. She is always wanted by every guy and every girl is jealous of her. If anyone stands up against her she will beat them! She's always stubborn and if someone tries to have the ideal body Hadi already has it. Yes others opinions on her might be bigger than she is but she always has the biggest booty and titties. Always a girls idol. Kindest and most popular.
Damn nigga that girl sure is Hadi.

Ugh, I wish I had a body like Hadi.
by HumbleNigga January 27, 2018
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A type of dog in some country , usually a black dog that have small genital or born with no genital .
A heart warming pet's name in 20th century.
dog: barks* i wanna mate hooaman

person: no baby, you can't, because you're a Hadi dog.

dog:barks* ouchh.. it's hard but I'm still a good boy right?

person:hmm.. no Hadi, you're not.. told u are the BEST !!

dog: barks* seriously i'm the best? I love You hooman !!

person: me love you too, baby .
by dogLoveRbOB September 19, 2018
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hadi with bikini its the most sexiest thing you can ever see if you see
hadi is also a type of person that simp for everyone

take an example like bombies or uriql or axot
hadi is chill tho has a chill voice and has 11 inches pp
anyway you should get hadi hes mf hot

everyone: HADI F*CK ME PLS

by urihvh June 19, 2021
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Girl: is that Hadi..? I heard he's a total furry

Boy: yeah I heard that too
by Toe tickiler July 7, 2019
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Lutfi Hadi is a term used in East Asia to describe a Fortnite addict. Lutfi Hadi has never felt a women’s touch in his life or ever had a women near his proximity (2.45km). Lutfi Hadi does not make an effort in trying to socialize with women as he is busy cranking 90s and getting “meds
Lutfi Hadi: ayo what’s a women?

Fortnite player: a male but with boobs and less rights
by Osama bin hosni November 21, 2021
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