It is a part of the country called Macedonia. The birthplace of gayness and homosexuallity.
Alexander the Great conquered the Greeks. What use did he have ill never know.
Im Greek.
(Im the greatest gay man in the world)
by Mad Clown Jack May 27, 2005
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greece is a nice small town in rochester, NY. its named after the country of greece. its a nice small suburbanish town that has a great school district compared to others. its a perfect town for a nice home for a family.
greece is a great town with a underrated reputation.
by evilmonkey September 27, 2005
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simply put as the best place of all time. beautiful language, very nice and hard working people, great scenery, and awesome food. some of the greatest ancient artists/musicians were greek. greece is the life.
i am part greek and i have greek friends who play very good piano. their mom comes from greece. some of my dads ancestors came from greece.
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A cool country in Europe, with beautiful islands, rich hills, and large cities.
by Jersey Kid January 27, 2008
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Having anal sex. Particularly in a craigslist hooker ad, when you see a woman charging for a "trip to Greece", she'll let you stick it up her butt for extra.
Hey baby wanna come out and play tonight? Good time $60, trip to Greece $100.
by waitingforguiteau July 17, 2011
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Getting fingered in the arse while being licked out on your period
Hey how was last night

Let’s just say I did a clare In Greece
by Dosky July 27, 2019
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