Aziz: ur mom gay

Nick: no u

Aziz: no u

Nick: your dad lesbian

Aziz: ur granny tranny

by Aziz_ March 11, 2018
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A roast that stops all other roasts and completely obliterates the other person
Bob"Ur mom gay"
James"Ur dad lesbian"
Bob"Ur granny tranny"
by Yeamategohaveanother March 11, 2018
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This statement is used in an argument to absolutely DESTROY the opponent. It means your grandma is transgender, allowing you to destroy the opponent and win the argument/battle.
Stranger 1: Ur mom gay lol

Stranger 2: Well ur granny tranny x2

Stranger 1: *dies*
by Urmomdoublegaylol September 17, 2018
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The ultimate roast, trumps ur mom gay and ur dad lesbian, or lastly, no u
Friend:ur mom gay
Everyone else:OoooOoOOoOoohHhHhhhh
by Digbix March 12, 2018
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The worst possible insult to ever say to anyone. Scientists can’t explain how it got here. The only way to defend yourself against this dark magic is to say “no u”.
Person 1: your mom gay
Person 2: your sister a mister
Person 1: your granny a tranny
by Meme master69 March 28, 2018
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