the place in the zoo where the keep the giraffes
hey kids lets go get some dippin dots right next to the g spot
by 1624527856837 December 11, 2009
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The grafenberg's spot. Glands and ducts located in the anterior wall of the vagina.
by Duke February 9, 2003
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wellll. a wonderful little spot which is about as hard to find as jessica simpson's virginity. to touch it will make ur gf, moan with ectasy, and be very apreciative. and if ur not at that sex stage yet u might just find urself with a very energetic B.J. afterwards. or just some damn hott sex..
girl: are you ever gonna find the g-spot??

guy: i'm trying bitch be still

ten minutes later...

girl: oh! oh you've got it!

another ten minutes

guy: woh! i didn't know it could get that good
by johnny du July 23, 2006
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the "IT" spot for girls..if you get it ya got it.=
by mel raslleh July 27, 2009
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The g-spot is a lesbian bar that was named this so straight men wouldn’t be able to find it.
Josh: “She invited me to the g-spot”
Andrew: “Oh so your gay
by Gay_botch October 27, 2020
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This a girl speaking from experience. The g spot definitely exists. Its located about an inch or two inside your pussy. It feels spongy. When you or your partner want to stimulate it, stick your finger (or fingers) into your pussy and make a "come here" motion against it. You will have earth shattering orgasms if this is done right. Trust me. It feels so good. I could just sit around all day and just stimulate my g spot. My wet pussy makes this squishy noise that drives me crazy. Sometimes after an hour or so of fucking myself silly my fingers get tired and my pussy gets sore, so I have to take a break, but please believe Im right back at it again later!
Last night i stimulated my g spot for two and a half hours. I had so many orgasms i lost count. My covers were soaked with all of my juices. When i was done, i licked my fingers clean. Yum yum
by oshgosh November 14, 2010
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