Mostly known as the new kids on the campus.

Freshman girls: Usually try to act either really stuck up to other freshman -even though their all the same- or, their pretty chill and are down to earth.

Freshman guys: Sports are one of thier top priorities, right next to "girls". Some will turn into jocks and etc. , and others will be crushed by their first year of highschool expirence that might have totally sucked.

Any way you take it; freshman range from people that you actually dont mind sharing the school with to annoying little whores and wanna-be football stars.
freshman during lunch
HOLLISTER PREP- "godd why the hell are thoose girls staring at us like that"
HOLLISTER PREP 2-" like idk; just give them a dirty look"

BROHOE- "haha wtf is up with thoose chicks faces"
BROHOE2- "ha i don't know, its funny how they think everyone is staring at them though"
by river hoe. March 26, 2009
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really skinny people that will, within the year, gain 20 pounds, lose their morals, and drink way too much
i have never seen so many skinny girls on campus....oh it's rush week....they are all the freshman
by someone September 29, 2004
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the status that every sophomore, junior, or senior must start out with
The next time you see someone harass a freshman, remind the offender that he too was once a freshman.
by Mike the Ekim April 19, 2005
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Usually a 9th grader in High School. Is scared out of their mind when they first come there.
Most of them boys are immature drinkers who are all into the "hot chicks".
The girls...try to be cool.
Some come to mind as more mature.
The freshman year, I think, does mature people.
(This happened to me, considering I don't look like one)

Him: YOU'RE a freshman??!!
Me: Mhm, yes.
Him: I have absolutely no respect for you anymore.
It is sad.
by April 17, 2006
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it is when freshmen hang out with seniors who talk about senioritis, and they believe they have any reason to be sick of high school.
senior-omg only 3 1/2 more months of this crap!
freshman-what's the matter?
senior-i have senioritis.
freshman-i'm so sick of school. i have freshmanitis
(senior procedes to beat freshman)
by sick of underclassmen March 24, 2009
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The student who receives it from the upper grade. What I mean by that is that freshman tend to get beaten up more thrown in the back of the lunch line in preparation for senior authority. The freshman generally tend to rely on their older friends so that if older kid comes to kick their ass then they can stick up for them.
Thank God Im no longer a freshman. Im a sophomore.
by One little hellian October 3, 2017
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The now politically-incorrect term for a first year student.
My college refers to freshmen as "first year students" but still uses sophomore, junior and senior. One of my professors listed it as "freshperson" on a survey. I have also seen "freshman/woman" used as well.
by Dassh August 26, 2004
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