A boring town where next to getting your haircut, the highlight of your satuday night will almost always be a trip to Duncan Donuts where a discussion of "whose car is faster?" will be the most exciting topic.
(a bunch of kids driving aimlessly around Floral Park in a car at 2am) where should we go? i dont know, whereever. yeah wherever. i dont care. well give me a destination! i don't know. anyone hungry? not really. i have no money. yeah lets just drive. i don't want to waste gas. okay, well then i guess we can just go to dunkin...
by johnny mcdougal March 12, 2008
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The lamest town ever.
Takes pride in being a green town.
The town animal is a squirrel, and the town tree is a maple.
Those from other areas think its the shiz, but no one really knows why. Bc its not.
Lots of people smoke. Lots of people are emo. And some are ghetto. and i am a wigga.
Dont come to Floral Park bc we'll shoot you.
by KTrain and BR July 20, 2005
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area in Floral Park, NY where a bunch of underage children congregate to drink mad beers and do things their parents would not approve of.
Kid 1: Did you get the beer?
Kid 2: Yes, meet me at the floral park cove and we can turn up.
by Chucklepound I October 20, 2014
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a town full of a of teen s who think there invincible or think god doesn't exist or there all so rebellious even though there in there own group and its also full of obama loving fanatics and commies and kids who don't care if a north Korean nuke is pointed at their country and if i had the chance i would take a Kalashnikov and kill them all. and there's more they think twilight is actual piece of literature and war and peace is to long to read they also take their American freedoms for granted and think acting black will get rid of there white skin and the same thing goes to the so called women and whores in the town also the school is full of white kids who wont stand up against the niggers and spics also dbags who are bunch pieces of living human shit
B:oh I'm going to floral park Sunday

C:really bring a cyanide capsule if it gets bad
by wn1488zh August 16, 2009
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A small town in Nassau county. If you don't know where that is, it's by garden city. Floral park consists of goths, druggies, alcoholics, and faggots. The kids in floral park have a population of most black and Indians. The town is known for underage drinking. They think they are good at lax but they all suck and are fat.
Garden city girl: EW what is that girl wearing?!?'
Garden city girl number 2: I don't know, but she looks poop, must be from floral park.
by Anonymous smith January 21, 2013
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Drunk, high, and stoned 8th Graders on every block standing outside one of the hundreds of bars on 1 block. Looks great for raising kids until they are 18 and your picking them up from the Flo Po station because Officer Groshans found you in Centennial Gardens at 1 in the morning with a beer and your stoned out of your mind. And the best part is, you wont even remember it
"Oh so your from Floral Park, NY! I had a cousin who grew up there, he's in Jail now. When was your first drink?"
"Goo-Goo Gaa-Gaa"
by TommyTTtpmwjkndhvbTomTo April 7, 2019
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Black Cultural storytelling of fashion, music, art, and food using immersive floral experiences.
The set design gave real floral noire vibes.
by Élan House October 3, 2022
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