When you take the citizens of your country and exploit them as a resource -- milk them, slaughter them, and consume them.
Republican budget proposals epitomize the philosophy of Citizen Husbandry, minimizing the cost of ranching a population of oblivious citizens to pull the carts of profits for the super-rich.
by Lew Mills April 6, 2011
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A cunt who thinks that the police can't touch them until they're dragged out of their car by a cop who has just stood them telling them to get out for an hour before smashing their window and dragging their fat arse out of that window to the floor whist the sovereign citizen screams 'This is rape, get off of me, this is rape, i'm going to get you arrested for rape'
man 1 'who's that retard being pulled out of that car window by Pc bigballs whilsy screaming rape?'
man 2 'Probably the form of fuck-tard known as a sovereign citizen'
Man 1'Or it could be a retard@
man 2'and whats the difference?'
by bigdickmickeymouse January 4, 2020
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A United States Citizen who is generally homeless, has no Social Security Number, and doesn't pay taxes. Sovereign citizen is quite literally a synonym to domestic terrorist, and enjoy killing anyone who represents any kind of government authority, especially police officers.
" We have the right to bear arms to shoot our own politicians!"
~ A. Dumbass, sovereign citizen
by Jameth Thorton Roxford May 15, 2011
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A piece of media in which everything that was groundbreaking about it at the time of its release has now been so thoroughly adopted into mainstream production techniques that it's impossible to see *why* it was so amazing without a guidebook. (Named via comparison to popularly cited once-groundbreaking film, Citizen Kane.)
Half-Life 2 is the Citizen Kane of video games.
by Rotetraum June 16, 2020
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i'm a senior citizen i can't drive for my life. oh wait there's somebody behind me why don't i just cut them off cause i earned my drivers license all of 6 million years ago and i can barely see over the dash board.
get out of my way you gosh darn hoodlums. ups there's nobody behind behind me or at least i can't see tem cause i'm blind. here i go!!!!!
by dubya January 22, 2004
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A class of people who hold the wisdom of the world. They are often seen giving advice to idiot kids who always refuse to follow it and then end up falling on their faces before the figure out that with age comes a bit of wisdom.
The senior citizen told the teen to pull up his belt and stop showing your nasty booty, or you'll never get a job.
by Rhumba Girl September 13, 2010
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The excuse Americans assume will let them get what they want, especially when they are in another country.
Little do they know, most people don't think America's the world, or does American citizenship have anything to their concern.
1. "Don't shoot! I'm an American citizen!"

2. "Sorry sir, this man was before you in line."
"But you don't seem to understand; I'm an American citizen!"

3. "We'll surely be allowed in there; We're american citizens!"
"What does that have any importance here in England?"
by weird fish July 26, 2009
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