possibly the worst QCS writing task theme in the history of forever.
circle... CIRCLE?!


worst.. task.. ever.
by simowns. September 3, 2008
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When your having sex with a girl doggy style and her breast start goiog in circles.
I gave that chick the circles
by mattnotatts July 7, 2005
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circle refers to circle shape xanax bars usually 2MG IN SIZE. this has same effect as the bars.
MY GUY HAS only 20 bars but does have 100 circles.
by bigmcdowell April 27, 2007
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a fat person who resembles the shape....circle
Look at her, she's a reyt circle
Look at him, he's a million a cirlce
by katacombes April 30, 2006
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Panic beyond rational movement; often, but not always, characterized by the subject running in circles.
"When seeing that his pregnant wife was going into labor inside the stalled elevator, Darren had a moment of circleness before having a fit and stabbing at the 'Open Doors' button, even though that quite obviously wouldn't work, seeing as the damn thing was stalled."
by Tora Jakuten and Ivy Adrena January 15, 2006
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A "cool" word for extasy tablets, otherwise reffered to as eccies, X's, goog's, or lollies.
Reffering to a person with low brain capacity: "I wonder why she is so dense?" "I think she's had too many circles in her time"
by Decepticon_of_Anthems November 13, 2005
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The act of adding someone to Google+ circles.
I circled Tim as one of my "Friends."
by cherryblossom22 July 13, 2011
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