chrono trigger is a controversal game that makes everyone look like drama queens on urban dictionary
chrono trigger is controversal just like ff7. the man who makes sense is biased just like everyone else :o
by Anonymous November 18, 2005
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A game with the most confusing opening I've ever seen...and by opening,I mean first few hours of the game. Oh yeah,and most battles are long fights but the bosses are pushovers in the end. The graphics are blinding,the CG cutscenes are REALLY pointless (aside from one or two),but the music is really cool. About 4/5ths of the characters join your party,a lot of them have ridiculous accents,a few of them actually contribute to the storyline too! Anyway,it has a good battle system,wraps up a few loose ends from Chrono Trigger,but it still looks like another Squaresoft PSX movie,i.e. lots of talking and CG cutscenes. Despite that,I wanna see a Chrono break. Badly.
Greco,Mojo,Skelly,NeoFio,Grobyc,and Turnip are some of the most gratuitous characters in the game. But playing as an anthropomorphic vegetable is pretty sweet.
by 0niTTRay March 8, 2004
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Creator of Nightmare XV (

soon to be ruler of the world!
by chrono clepsydra July 26, 2004
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A highly sought-after and coveted commodity inside prison that keeps one from having to scale that upper bunk.
I got myself a lower bunk chrono and nobody will pry it from me, ever.
by Dr Bunnygirl April 4, 2019
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for one thing katopolis square enix is far from being bankrupt and final fantasy is by far a better series in all aspects. i wiold know i make a living playing games
chrono cross is not as good as the final fantasy series but it is not bad in general
by r March 2, 2005
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Square made two RPGs that are maybe the most overated video games for the SNES: Final Fantasy 6 and Chrono Trigger.

Unlike other games for the SNES (Or NES), the gameplay and difficulty is unbalanced.

A majority of their fanatics play both games for the storyline... And I think it's dissapointing if I ever turned on my SNES console just to say "lol kefka", "omg lavos" at the screen.

Not just that, I think it's dissapointing that more interesting games such as Ninja Gaiden Trilogy, Earthbound and Final Fight are neglected through FF6 and CT.

I think Square has not defined to us what an RPG, or even a game, should be.

That's why I feel my opinion here is mandoratory. Everyone has submitted 'definitions' that don't even barely define what Chrono Trigger is. They just brown nose Square and say it's the best video game every created.
I know I sound like a hypocrite, but this will be deleted soon.

Just actually write a definition and not an opinion.

Still, I don't think this will even enforce the behaviour of this dictionary.
by Anonymous March 20, 2005
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Chrono Triggered- a term for people who are easily triggered by a fake or non cannon relationship between fake or non cannon characters who have an age discrepancy between them.
Frank:I can't believe people ship Alvin x Elise
Leon: You have officially been Chrono Triggered.
by Jupiter Heart November 30, 2016
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