Brittney is typically a name for the biggest whore in your county. Derived from a Brittney from lemoore. Brittney has most likely screw everyone in a 100 mile radius and will screw your boyfriend out of spite. Super pretty on the outside but the inside is the ugliest thing you’ll ever see. Beware of a Brittney, she has dick breath
Did you hear about the party last weekend? Brittney screwed every guy there in one night
by RichieMcRich007 July 30, 2019
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The ugly way to spell Brittany or Brittany. If you know a Brittney, you probably wish you didn't. She is a mean person, who can not be trusted. She is also a fugly slut whore and skank. She tends to be a Bitch at times, earning the nickname Bitchney. If you know her, you probably know that she compares herself to Mary Poppins, thinking she is perfect in every way. (Which she is not) She also likes to TRY to steal your men. So, ladies, LOCK HIM UP! She tends to think she is the hottest thing to walk this earth, when in reality, she is quite ugly.
Girl: hey Honey, lets go indoors.
Boy: why?
Girl: she looks like a Brittney.
Boy: oh no!


she looks kinda bitchy, she must be a Brittney.

She isn't very pretty.
Yea... I think she's a Brittney
by secret sav May 26, 2012
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Brittney's are the type of girls you'd want to be around. Most people assume they r either sluts or they want to be left alone, but really they r amazing people who r just too afraid to show everyone who they are. They have unique personalities and a great sense of humor. They can always make u smile and something as simple as texting a brittney will make u happy. All Brittney's are really pretty in one or multiple ways! often a kid at heart as well. If u have a Brittney in your life consider yourself lucky. Dont let her go, You will regret it!
Person: She's so quiet!
Person 2: well what do u expect? shes a brittney

stranger: wow she's beautiful! i'd like to hang with her!
stranger 2: I know dude! that's Brittney!
by BriEsp January 21, 2013
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a young compassionate girl whom is very beautiful and HOT with a GREAT sense of humor which all guys esspesialy guys named DYLAN would want to go out with those two make a great

match with each other since she has a sexy body and him to
"I would really like to go out with Brittney."
"sorry man she is already taken by Dylan."
by loksa June 10, 2015
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More than a name something like an attitude. Verb. Meaning, fly-ness, sweetness, all nature no weaves or tracks. Smart, independent, fun, A show off, & most importantly Jaeda's Mommy, a student, a party girl & more. There can only be one all else are copies.
I going to act a brittney at the club
by Ms. Brittney Chere December 11, 2008
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a girl that is awesome
brittney is very weak
by j78987908908 February 5, 2008
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