Fuck I need 5 cents, do you have some brink?
by Nitrocent May 29, 2005
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associated with cult t shirts and other mind controlling avenues. to brink ink is to be ignorant, low intellect, and generally a dislike able person.

if someone is using the word as a noun, verb, adjective, and pronoun that person is in a cult.
person a says, "hey your wrong because i know im right"
person b replies, "your just brink ink shut up"

person a says, "hey brink to that brink your on the brink....ink. brinky brink brink. BRINK INK"
person b refuses to reply because that was nonsense

person a is brink ink
by P.E.T.E January 30, 2010
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A term said by Chris D'elia, it's when one strives to make so many stacks of cash, that they would need a brink's truck for it. The more stacks one makes, more backup for said brink's truck
Guy 1: "Why does Adam Sandler star in such awful films?"
Guy 2: "Hey, gotta back up the brink's truck somehow baby!"
by T2425 June 23, 2018
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1.)Term used to discribe someone who is doing douche things and being an instigator or when someone tries to push you over the edge or try to make you aggravated enough to fight them

2.)When a person has to take a shit so bad they are on the verge of crapping their pants.
1) "so that little shit-brink jaykwon was tryin to fuck with my shit yesterday"

"you beat dat niggas ass?"

"hell yeah, i stomped the fuck out dat pussy ass nig"

2) "I was on a shit-brink during that whole test.
I swear if the bell didnt ring soon i was about do drop a douce on the teach's desk
by mitch canadian November 3, 2010
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My beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, amazing, kindhearted, sweet, caring, kind girlfriend.
Wow. Look at Sophia Brink. I’m so glad she’s my girlfriend.
by Pickles500 July 21, 2023
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When an individual is about to shit themselves and is mere seconds away from having an accident.
I have to go to the bathroom right now! I'm on the brink of browning!
by TheTwistedFalcon June 22, 2019
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One of JG_BoosT's best friends and master of dark humor and built in third leg
Deven Brink
by JG_BoosT July 14, 2023
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