n. An object placed around the waist to award pure awesomeness in one's line of work.

v. An action done after running in a Touchdown, again, to show pure awesomeness. ie. Aaron Rodgers
After getting an A on his math test, John stood up in class and performed the belt. He served the subsequent detention quite awesomely.
by dabearssuck February 11, 2011
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To suddenly explode into a run away from some cunt that is chasing you.
''We belted across the bridge tae get away fae they cunts''
by Brendan April 5, 2003
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Definition 1:

A strip of leather with several small holes punctured through it at different intervals used around the waist to uphold trousers or shorts when loose.

Definition 2:

Daddy's favorite tool to use when you've been naughty.
Definition 1:

Person: Oh my trousers are falling down all the time
Friend: Why don't you buy a belt?
Person: Hmm...good idea

Definition 2:

Daddy: Son you have forsaken me for the last time
Son: Daddy please not the belt
Daddy: You must learn, BEND OVER
Daddy: The belt is coming off, this is what you get

*Son runs in fear as Daddy chases him with the belt*
by thebigpenis42069 February 5, 2017
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a cold beer, either a can or bottle
Uncle Bernie came over and he suggested we have a few belts on the porch.
by Squirrel April 29, 2003
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Belt is smth a mom or dad would use to punish their child
Mom: HE GOT AN A+!?!?!
Son: *Walks over to his parents* Mom, dad...
Son: B-b-because...
Mom: *Gets the belt*
Son: T-th-the belt? *Cries intently*
Dad:*Takes belt and smacks son's bum*
Son: I'M GAY
Mom: Wtf?
Dad: Wth?
Big bro: Why tf?
Son: ...
by Ur FBI April 5, 2023
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"The Belt" is something you get after a sexual act is committed it is often decided amongst friends first, be it a threesome, analsex or a donkeypunch
Guy1: So, The Belt, I'm going for it.

Guy2: YOU ARE!?

Guy1: Yeah, I'm totally going to have a threesome!
by Gojirae December 29, 2010
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A.) Describing someone so ugly, you would almost think that they might have been hit in the face with a belt very hard at a young age
B.) The past tense of Belt, which means to forcibly send something a distance
Jack: Did you see that new cheerleader?
Riley: Oh yeah! She was totally belted
Jack: Belted?
Riley: Yeah, like someone hit her in the face with a belt

Your girlfriend's voice rang throughout the house as she belted out in ecstacy, "Oh baby, smash that!!!!!"
by doin' work December 23, 2010
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