4 : 20 : insert year
Person A: wanna know a fact

Person B: k

Person A: Adolf Hitler was born on April 20 aka get high day.
by creeper awwwww man April 27, 2020
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A day on which idiot potheads around the world get together and celebrate the anniversary of Hitler's birth, Napolean's birth and the Columbine High School massacre.

Also known as 4/20.
"Yo man, it's April 20. Let's get baked"
"Sweet man! Heil Hitler!"
by edward doyle April 23, 2006
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april 20 is national say FUCK YOU BITCH day.
p1: hey! FUCK YOU BITCH.
p2: why did you say that.
p1: its april 20 national say FUCK YOU BITCH day.
by WeIrDcOrE April 17, 2021
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national boring school day. On April 20th you can sleep, not do work or/and talk to your friends all day.
did you hear what today is?
umm April 20th?
yes that means we can do nothing in school!
by edi the deady April 19, 2021
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its hitler's birthday dumbasses n if u go out n get high that day and celebrate you are a motherfucking neo nazi
by niglet4lyf May 1, 2005
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Mélissandre’s birthday
april 20 is bad bitchbirthday
by Méli February 7, 2021
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