Alexis is smart , pretty, short , brown hair , brown eyes , funny,cool,nice, outgoing,and gives good advice I would be lucky to be Alexis friend.
Alexis is my best friend
by Hello 👋🏼 May 7, 2019
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Doesn't know what the word "no" means inless she says it.
Could care less what others think. Could be your best friend or your worst enemy. Attracted to the wrong guys.Brown haired, brown eyed, big booty Alexys's are the best.
Guy1: Dang whos booty is that?
Guy2: Thats gotta be an Alexys!
by Taalyelxoyrs August 7, 2011
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an amazing girl that gives it her best. she's a little tough on judging herself, but truely kicks ass! doesnt take shit from people, especially bitches and lamesauce bois. gonna be famous some day...and she doesnt even know it
Damn! that girl is such an Alexie...she's on fire!
by apatheticandpoetic77 May 25, 2009
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Alexis's Are Gorgeous girls with kicking butts.The can be very sweet but they can be huge bitches. They are usually very smart. They usually have great eyes and beautiful lips. They are very funny and usually can brighten anyone's day.They are very good kissers and are huge flirts.
Boy: Dude that girl is Gorgeous

Boy # 2: she must be an Alexis
by Chris Operenza October 29, 2011
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·This girl has a big booty and is very beautiful.

·She is very athletic and independent

·She's also tends to stress very easily and isn't trustful of many.
·When she loves she loves truly and deeply.
·She can be very sexual but is fun to hangout with as she has a bubbly personality, but don't make her angry.
Alexys is cool
by xoxoxlove January 31, 2015
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Alexis' are beautiful on the inside and out. They make guys smile 24/7, guys also get either very shy or crazy around Alexis's because they are so amazing, it's hard for them to handle.
Andrew: I think i'm in love with Alexis...i can't even talk to her. *tears fall* I WANT HER SO BAD
by yankeegirl46 May 13, 2011
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Is very kind and caring . She got and amazing laugh and knows how to show someone a good time.
Once you get her dont let go , cause she can find another in a heart beat .
Shes very hard to please and is always joking around .
Shes one fine ass bitch and is not let to be left alone at any partyss
Guy : Woahhh who's that ?
Guy 2 : I don't know but shes finee
Guy : Get her before shes gone
Guy 2 : Yeah I know shes and Alexis
by Me3eee3 January 1, 2011
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