AJ is a careing girl she can be fierce and a badass If she wants, love and careing she is she usual to meet an AJ is rare and very lucky.
AJ I did not expect you to be as badass as you were right now.
by Badlire January 11, 2018
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n. or adj.

any of those deemed insufficient for female satisfaction
esp. relating to penis size or in general lackluster performance with one

Ex. Tommy last nite gave me an Ajs performance, and therefore couldnt climax

Ex. 2 Tommy sucked last night because of his Ajs penis which is short
by Khidir Ishitar November 10, 2006
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when you have nothing better to do/or nobody hits you up so you deiced to get drunk by yourself and party alone and play video games all night.
Nedbro nobody hit me up so i pulled an AJ got mad schwilly and played ZOMBIES all night!!!
by XKYLDDX October 23, 2011
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a uncontrollable Filipino guy who bangs any girl he sees...

short, muscular, chest of steal.

a great gentlemen, and never mean

Aj is every girls dream guy
commonly used when girl sees a hot guy...

"wow look at the Aj."
"I wish i can be an Aj."
by Aj! whoo July 11, 2008
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He is a cute, yet hot man. He is weak a work or school, but is strong in bed. He may be a nerd, but he is a perv! If you encounter one, he may have a lot of girls, and they may be competitive - oh yeah, so is he.
"AJ is so hot! I met him in a bed and the sex was great!"
by A-girl-someone-likes November 8, 2018
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