A particularly hot guy. Some assume he is gay but pray he isnt because they get boners when they think of him or see him and they ALL want to fuck him.
I want to fuck ruben once, then fuck choc. chip cookies or butterfly kisses.
by wannabe ruben fucker December 21, 2004
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When a Girls pussy looks like a New York Ruben
jim: hey did you fuck Megan?
connor: ya her pussy looks like a Ruben after I was done with it

pussy new york messed up add mayo
by HotLumps February 1, 2016
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a cute ass potheaded mutha fucka who beasts it up on xbox live and is always burning his thumb when his parents go down the hill.
by rubenDaWG..XP July 7, 2011
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really cool dude, see linda. (his gf)
by bain December 15, 2003
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Ruben is the type of person to be loyal to you and to never go back on his word handsome,sweet and a huge dick and some girls are saying I want me some Ruben 😜 but Ruben thinks no one likes him🥺 and until the right person shows up if anyone hurts his girl he will knock anyone the fuck out
Girl 1:I really wish Ruben likes me
Girl 2: me to
by Ruben😜 February 18, 2019
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A generally kind person with a great sense of humour and is a great person to be with. When he is your friend, he will often be protective, and has a very strong soul. He will defend you with your life. Even though he has quite the reckless spirit, Ruben will always help
Matt: Did you see that?

Sally: What?

Matt: Ruben just beat up this kid who was picking on Oliver!

Sally: That's amazing! I wish I had a friend like Ruben!
by UpOnTheFlipside23 April 28, 2022
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Usually a funny Mexican that is not easily frightened or scared and is willing to do things nobody else would do.
Ruben is Mexican
by The real mex November 3, 2016
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