codename for when a man gets a boner. said when a person wants say something about boners to a person or group of people but dont want another person or group to know what he/she is talking about.
man- "i hope i dont get a poptart at work"
woman (confused)- "they are giving away free poptarts at work?"
by canadianrocker September 28, 2008
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A cheap or easy girl. A prostitute between the ages of 11 and 14.

A girl between 11 and 14 that dresses provocatively.
Wow! That poptart's wearing the same thong as you, honey.
by sillygirl69 November 26, 2006
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the act of farting in your hand and shoving it in someone's face
Dude, last night cody fell asleep on the couch and i hit him with a poptart, he just about gagged.
by hendogmx October 19, 2009
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Jessica Simpson was a poptart til Nick fucked the shit outta her. Newly Weds
by butterball January 10, 2004
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One piece bikini-like tank-tops that girls wear that snap in the crotch.
by boneheadIII March 31, 2008
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