A sex position similar to doggy style on a bbq grill while steaks are cooking beneath you
Jacob did The Garrett with the dog at the family barbecue
by Jonahisthethiccestmanintheland December 10, 2019
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Garretts are the sweetest people in the world. they almost always start as bestfriends and end as boyfriends. weather its for the best or not. with every word they say they make you heart melt and genuinly make you laugh and know exactly what to say when your upset. despite being and aries and causing havoc. Garretts are always there and put everyone else before them selves even if their not in the best situation. Garretts are amazing and should never be doubted.
Garretts too much 😂😂
by muddcricket August 27, 2019
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The most amazing guy ever. He has the kindest heart and the best spirit. His eyes are a blueish turquoise that will draw any girl in close. He is sporty and handsome and anything a girl wants. If you ever get this guy, DO NOT let go. You’d be loosing so much. Kiss him like there’s no other, cause trust me. There isn’t.
Me: omg there’s Garrett!!!
Friend 1: ooh go get him girl
Friend 2: I’m going to pull him over here
Me: wait what no!!
*friend 2 pulls him by the arm*
Garrett: uh ok I’m confused
Me: uhh... *blushing*
Friend 1: *shoves me into garrett*
Me: eek.
*friends rush away*

Garrett: *catches* woah are you okay?
Me: y-yah
Garrett: wow your beautiful
Me: thanks *kisses*
Garrett: *kisses back*
by Just_saying**~~ September 19, 2019
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Will not shut the fuck up about the government or how bad his car is (and yet he claims it is better than mine).
Complete gearhead.
Absolutely no sexual attraction to anything except his shitass car.
Not a bad guy in the slightest, but his interests are a little narrow.
Nickname is Gort.
"Gort (Garrett) do be pullin' up tho frfr no cap ongaishiye."
by BigBoiMac9459 April 8, 2023
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when a man lathers peanut butter ALL over his testicles, then encourages his two dogs to lick and nibble the peanut butter until he is completely satisfied.
Dude 1: hey, got any crazy good tricks up yo sleeve fo mb?
Dude 2: yeah try the garrett! it had me enjoyin my whole night!
by rachizzle137 January 29, 2010
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Normally a shy guy. Makes the best boyfriend/husband he is protective, caring, loving, everything and more that a girl could ever want in a boyfriend/husband. Origin-English
Garrette is an amazing boyfriend, you can tell that he loves her so much.
by MSM&GAM12514 September 30, 2014
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