A day when a fake “muslim” group called Al Qaeda destroyed Twin Towers, now it is One World Trade Center.
it’s September 11, 2001
by fordashy is gay December 14, 2022
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On September 11th, 2001, aka 9/11 was when terroristes drove three Boeing 737’s into the twin towers and the pentagon, it resulted with the two towers collapsing and 2700 people dead, there was a fourth plane but the passengers were able to crash it before it hit anything,
George: Hey do you remember September 11, 2001?
Steph: Oh yeah, it was a really sad day.
by Person coolio yaaaa December 28, 2021
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An event where my grandpa was an Arabic pilot who really sucked at his job
Hey my dad was a bad pilot in September 11 2001 9/11
by Peepeepoopoo bon qui qui July 8, 2022
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September 11 national kiss a men day
September 11 national kiss a men day
by Douse 1111 September 12, 2022
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september 11th is national walk out day. if you think wearin masks and covid is bs , walk outta school , work , or wherever ur at , at 10am !!
teacher : why are so many students walkin outta school ?
student : it’s september 11th didnt you know ? it’s national walk out day come join us if you think masks and covid is bs !

teacher : okay !
by brebee September 4, 2021
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