Josh perry is the hottest guy you could meet. He is really interesting but can be mean and pushes people away quite often.
Kaelynn will always love josh perry no matter what<3
by Kaelynn<33 July 21, 2022
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When a girl is taking 2 dicks at once while eating cereal
Yeah I asked my girlfriend to do the Dirty Perri with me and Michael!
by Moopjas February 10, 2021
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A person who is an actual lad
Dbags:Wow Mr Perry is a actual lad
by Skl8888 December 9, 2020
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He is a person that will fail to make you laugh.He will make you nuts and bad but it’s confusing.He makes you uncomfortable all the time and will use you constantly.Dont be with him or talk to him.
Eww that’s Sean Perry.
by Lo lo November 25, 2019
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is when everyone the whole universe is in your kitchen ...i dont want to name no name"s but they are there wile u out in this bitch just try to do some dishes and you tryin to get some mthfucking headspace and u try wisper and u just know its not u wispering but somebody else tru you as in rigght now in this verry moment some body tryin to write this trew me too...theo?...but u just put a lee perry on trying to be all zen and shut the fuck up but please dont! ...
she was puttting a lee perry on ...
just put a lee perry on...
he always puts a lee perry on...
its too crowded in here lets put a lee perry on...ja man put a lee perry on ...
everybody is really zen since we put a lee perry on...Ja man its always zen when a lee perry is put apon it!
by barbello January 16, 2019
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“William Perry Pendley”:

1) When the hot stinking poop inside you of changes course and instead of coming coming out your bum it redirects to fill the cavity in your head where a brain should be and then spews out of your mouth

2) To let down all of humanity
Quickly please someone bring a large amount of heated aged dick cheese in here to make it smell better because someone (Trump) just took a William Perry Pendley up in here!
by EPARAPE October 29, 2019
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The most perfect girl in the whole world! She is a genius in her studies and is the hardest working woman I know. Her smile is amazing and her eyes will make you fall in love instantly. She has the best hugs and kisses you could ever receive. Her heart is full of love and is willing to share her love to others. On the hot/crazy matrix she is rated as a unicorn, people say they don't exist but I found her and she is perfect!
I love Kelcie Perry!
by Edubble September 13, 2014
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