When you post a banger in #general and nobody gives you the proper skulls that you deserve...
User #1 - *sends a funny pic* gets 3 Skulls
User #1 - "Damn what the fuck is up with this Skullflation? This was a banger. We are in a Skull Drought"
by TheCosmicMind April 9, 2023
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The largest bone in someone's body, made of, like all other bones, of various gelatinous materials, or "skull jelly". The skull has a surface area of 5 square feet and weighs over a pound, not including the jaw bones, or Fred, the insect that looks like part of your skull, but isn't.
"You smell like someone ripped the skulls out of someone's heads and left their skull jelly to rot in the sun for three weeks."
by goodluckwiththat April 11, 2017
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Skull is probably the most handsome mf I’ve seen in my entire life. Bun makes me happy and is amazing, ily mwah <3
skull: “ur a faggot”
me: “aww i lob you too<3”
by quinn❗️ June 28, 2021
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Literally a fucking bottom character. Almost associated with sex jokes.
"Alright, I'll admit it. Skull is a bottom."
by skwrboi April 3, 2022
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Yo chad, Trixie gave me some mad skull last night
by daplayuh October 30, 2017
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