The piece of poop that sticks to the toilet bowl after you flush.
Garry Owen, I'm all out of toilet paper and I just King Pricked the bowl.
by The Real King Idiot March 8, 2016
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king of the science is a title applied to the smartest Scientist alive—perhaps the only—universally-acknowledged holder was Isaac newton
Isaac newton referred to as the "science King or The king of the science
by spiltz September 23, 2022
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King is the Commissioner of Education in NY who continues to ignore the outcry over the implementation of Common Core Learning Standards and high stakes testing.

1. To refuse to change behavior in the face of overwhelming evidence due to extreme arrogance.
2. To be screwed as a result of arrogance.
1. Despite a warning from the control tower of impending doom should he continue, the know-it-all pilot pulled a Commissioner King and crashed the plane into the mountainside.

2. Principal: Why is your whole first grade class crying?

Teacher: Because they've been Commissioner Kinged.
by Everynewyorkteacher December 15, 2013
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A man that was blessed by the orgasm God's.. he gives orgasms to women so intense it sometimes kills them out of sheer pleasure..
Damn that guy's King Flumerfelt!
That girl looks like she just had a King Flumerfelt?
by Pussy samurai February 21, 2023
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The master of orgasm. Blessed by the God's stone is written in his tongue and cock as he glides through the pussy of space!
Damn that guys king Flumerfelt!

That girl looks like she just had a Flumerfelt!
by Pussy samurai February 21, 2023
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A Man so strong that god must have sculpted him him/herself. A man so loyal, to befriend him is to befriend god him/herself. This man is the only one that deserves to be with the goddess Jessica. This man is so humble you wouldn’t even know know it’s him. He will walk with you, sing with you, and cry with you if you need it. He is the kindest man you will meet and will make you laugh so much. He loves puns, Dad jokes and any other joke. He is known for his wonderful smile and charming heart. Strategically he is a genius so do not challenge him. To war with his Kingdom is to wage war with god. King Murray will never let you down and will always hold you up. There is only one in the world at any given time as two would be catastrophic for humanity. He is love, he is strength and he is Man.
Sean: Have you seen that guy over there helping that person with heavy things?

Derek: yeah that’s a King Murray right there.
by KidsoftheKing July 22, 2022
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A King is almost always a Ben as they are very vain have the best name ever and 75% are fuck bois
Wow look at Ben I wanna be like him he’s such a king
by Ben the king July 7, 2020
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