december 3rd- national give someone a hoodie day. as conan gray said “i still remember, 3rd of december, me in your sweater” in honor of heather by conan gray, u bitches gotta give some lucky person ur hoodie <3
guy1: hey bro it’s december 3rd
guy2: oh yea i better give them my hoodie then
guy1: LOVE YOU CONAN ❤️❤️
by de4dly.qu33f September 26, 2021
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Hang out with Simone day. You have to hang out with Simone on December 3rd.
guy 1: hey, you busy on december 3?

guy 2: yeah, i have to hang out with Simone 🙄🙄
by December 3, 2020
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natinal give someone your sweater day
''i still remember, december 3,me and your sweater''
by Connan Grey December 3, 2020
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person 1: it's december 3, i wish i were heather
person 2: why?
person 1: it's heather day
by iamnotokyeet December 3, 2020
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I know it's been so long
Since we saw each other last
I'm sure we'll find some way
To make the time pass
Hey moon, it's just you and me tonight
Everyone else is asleep
Hey moon, if I was to fall
I won't fall so deep
Though I doubt I'm gonna
You can wake me up if you wanna
And your pale, round face
Makes me feel at home in any place
I would happen to be
At a quarter past three
The moon chased the sun out of the sky
Goodbye sun, the night's begun
The moon chased the sun out of the sky
Goodbye sunshine, the night is mine
Hey moon, it's just you and me tonight
Everyone else is asleep
Hey moon, if I was to fall
I won't fall so deep
Though I doubt I'm gonna
You can wake me up if you wanna
I would hate for you to hang there all alone
The whole night through
Hey moon, my old friend
Hey moon, the night is coming to an end
Hey moon, come back soon
Is this that thing again?
Yup. It's December 3. Open it!
by Lea Bao December 3, 2020
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Dec 3 is give you crush a sweater day so get off your phone go give them a sweater
You:here it’s December 3

Crush:thank you!
by Geeskipper December 2, 2020
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